The impact of sleep apnea on health appears to be much greater than expected. Fortunately, GPs, hospitals and health insurers are increasingly recognizing the problems surrounding sleep apnea and the need for prompt treatment.
“Sleep issue is getting much talked about these days.Previously, sleep apnea(stoppage of breathing during sleep) was characterized by 55+ men with slightly higher body weight. Fortunately, much more is known today and you see that sleep apnea is considered much more usual than what was thought.Due to the increase in the number of patients to be screened, there is a shortage of personnel and resources in hospitals. This results in long waiting lists. We at pulmoville like to think innovatively to tackle this problem. This resulted in the service home sleep study. ”

The expertise of the hospital at the patient's home
“With our home sleep study service, we can bring the expertise of sleep clinics to a familiar environment in the patient's home. At home, the patient sleeps better, which is conducive to a realistic measurement. Shortly after receiving the request, we will contact the patient to schedule an appointment. Because the installation takes place in the afternoon or evening, the patient no longer has to take a full day off. During the appointment, we install the sleep study device and give a detailed explanation of the sleep study. The patient can disconnect the connections the following morning. We then collect the equipment and read it out. We guarantee that there will be a report at the sleep clinic within a day.
Core activities
By offering this service, we have less to worry about additional costs in personnel, spaces and equipment. In addition, we can focus more on their core activities. With a positive diagnosis, treatment can start quickly at a very affordable cost to the patient. Of course, in addition to diagnostics, pulmoville can also support the treatment of sleep apnea, such as PAP(mask therapy).